Create a patch on the latest version of the xFreeRDP code base such that when it’s used to connect to a Remote Desktop session of Windows Server 2022:
    – There will be NO graphics/video data sent from the Windows OS to the xFreeRDP client.
    – However, all other features of a regular RDP session will still function normally. For example, the Windows Server will still create a new session for the RDP connection; all device and drive redirections will still work normally, the clipboard will still work normally, the Windows session will have virtual screens matching that of the client’s machine like when the RDP connection is in the fullscreen & all-screen mode.
    – The xFreeRDP client will or will NOT create a local window (depending on an environment variable). If a local window is created, it should forward user inputs to the remote desktop like normal.
    – TightVNC or TeamViewer is automatically launched in the Windows remote desktop session and it can be used as a side channel (i.e., independent of the RDP connection) to control the remote desktop.

Budget: $300

Posted On: August 17, 2024 03:27 UTC
Category: Desktop Software Development
Skills:Microsoft Windows, C++, C#, Rust

Country: United States

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