Your proposal will be declined if you use AI to create your cover letter, profile or resume. You can use it to clean up your original responses. Please respond in your own words.
We get too many responses. That makes it difficult to identify qualified candidates. Use the hints below to stand out.
1. Don’t claim expertise or skills not in your profile or resume.
2. Personalize your cover letter to stand out to get our attention.
3. This is a full time position. It is not for you if you plan to work on more than one job at the same time.
4. You can ask your questions during the interview.
5. You don’t know what our work is because we have not described it anywhere.
6. Read the job description carefully. There is a lot of information here.
7. See the budget for the position.
a. If you are asking much more, improve your chances by showing us you are very exceptional in your cover letter.
i. If you say you are very good or can do the job is not enough to help us identify exceptional developers.
b. If you are willing to accept a lower compensation, mention that clearly.
8. We are affected by the market like everyone else. If demand for developers is less now, then what we can charge our customers is also less. Adjust your compensation to the reality of today.
We are looking for software design expertise using rapid development tools. This is NOT solution or software architecture. You must be able to do hands-on low-level software design and coding.
1. We use waterfall development.
2. You will design PostgreSQL database tables, queries, joins, pivots, views etc.
3. You will write business logic using GraphQL editors to write schemas, resolvers and mutations.
4. Write JScript serverless functions when GraphQL’s strict typing limits # 3.
5. Write APIs to OpenAPI specs with the help of generative AI code generation. Generate FastAPI code from OpenAPI spec API’s.
6. Write business logic using FastAPI code. Django is a bonus.
7. Microservices architecture.
8. We use NextJS with Flutter, React Native and ReactJS for the frontend.
9. We use GraphQL and RestAPI middleware.
Minimum 3 years of hands-on experience in backend development of enterprise grade, heavy utilization, production application(s). Bonus if you have personally worked from start to project completion.
Our project has complex business logic but does not have complicated algorithms. Proficiency in spoken and written US English is mandatory.
Highly secure business applications – database field level locking, API authentication.
Knowledge of authentication, 2FA and WebAuthn authentication, gateways, session management
We use for rapid development. What do you understand are the functions and features of nHost that make it a good choice as a rapid development tool?
Hint: Go beyond the superficial stuff and don’t use any AI. You will get a simple response from AI which will only confirm to us that that applicant is not a suitable candidate for our position.
Please send the information requested because we must go through many proposals. We will request a meeting with shortlisted candidates.
1. Submit resume with details of experience.
2. What is your availability – days, times (UTC or PST) of the day.
3. Monthly rate for full time (see budget offered). We use the speed of an above average developer to set delivery timelines.
4. What is your proficiency level in spoken and written US English?
Budget: $2,500
Posted On: July 05, 2024 04:54 UTC
Category: Back-End Development
Skills:Software Design, FastAPI
Country: United States
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