The project tracking workflow for the tracking is as follows:
1) Upload a file, Image, PDF, design file
2) Write a commit message accompanying the file
3) Submit (date and time stamped, there should be no way to erase this)
4) Repeat steps 1,2 and 3 for every file that is submitted.
For this version, only one person works on the project but multiple people can have access to audit the work. In subsequent versions, this needs to include collaboration ability.
Reporting and Analytics workflow: ( Similar to git)
1) All commit messages should be able to viewed in one glance (see RepositoryGraphView.png
2) Contributor Analytics of how often commits were made should be viewable (See ContributorAnalyticcs.png)
3) Not necessary now but if possible, it would be good to have a review of the quality of commit messages using ChatGPT or similar etc.
Budget: $2,000
Posted On: January 20, 2024 13:17 UTC
Category: Full Stack Development
Skills:Web Application, AI Agent Development, Git, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Web Development
Country: Australia
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