I am looking for someone experienced who can Build a Car configurator as an Web Application where you can select different things and deppending on what was selcted it should update the images, I have a website I can link here that is kinda what I am looking for but it will have to also create a Invoice at the end with the Prices and send it to the customer who configured the Car, there is 4 Differet Models but 3 of them have pretty similar configurations and for more info contact me.

Its Important that it should be in 2 different Languages and also we have to update it frequently so it should be easy to change names of Products as well as prices and also removing or adding products, maybe with a dashboard where you can track the configurations and also do minor changes.

Please only contact if you are good at this and if you have done similar work before.

Here is an example of how it will kinda work.


Just for Info, I alredy have the configurator Online but I want to upgrade it as an Online Application right now its working through different providers, very complicated

Thank you

Hourly Range: $15.00-$35.00

Posted On: July 04, 2024 19:23 UTC
Category: Full Stack Development
Skills:React, Vue.js, Node.js, RESTful API, JavaScript, MongoDB, NGINX

Country: GBR

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